It's Sunday and I'm not wasn't upset about it.

I told CPG last night that we didn't need so much to figure out which city to live in as we need to find a nice zoo to buy.
And how are things going on that front? I'm not really sure. Okay, I think. I mean, I still very much feel the same way. It's just complicated with the two cities and we can hardly keep up the pace we had going before. We still talk every day. We're just in another holding pattern until I manage to go visit him in the big city and it sucks. If we didn't live so far apart we could hang out and read the paper and be horified about the devastation in New Orleans and how just absolutely dreadfully this administration has been in its response to it and how desperately unfair it is that the head moron gets to appoint not one but TWO new justices. And we could make a harness for the bird, feed the turtle some worms and play frisbee with the dogs and I would make bacon and pancakes.
Instead, I don't know what his plans for the day are. I was feeling bouyant until I typed that last paragraph. I had decided not to blog about Katrina or Renquist. There are so many other bloggers who do it so much better there really seems no point for me to step outside of my frivolous, self-absorbed blox.
*peeks in after a long, long night* Remember Bookstore Boy?
The pic of the dogs are SO awesome!
G is a doggone-good name-picker, especially for turtles. ;) The Turtle is a cute little guy. I'm very fond of your pretty turquoise bookshelf/etagiere/rattan thingy, and from the photos, it looks like the Bird's flash of blue feathers match it. That must surely please the design princess in you. ;) All your critters look quite content. I always hope the same for their guardian, of course!
(The W.V. ltrs look like whoever drew them was under the influence of some substance or another when they did it. Kind of curvy and run-together, and a smidge hard-to-read. I wonder what that's supposed to prove?? :))
My Mom loved the pics of the dogs too; she was walking by when I was checking for new signs of life here last night.
Sorry for my lack of real comment- I was a little.. happy over Bookstore So lame, I know!
I know.. the WV letters are a bit tipsy looking, aren't they? Maybe if we all have a few drinks first, they'll read out alright? "tgovt" Is that like "t' gov't"
Woohoo Debra!
Aww, thanks Pup, I know, you don't dig the bird or turtle ;-)
He is, isn't Ms. A.R.! Things are pretty darn good all the way around right now :-)
Woohoo again Debra ;-) I'm very happy for you and tell your Mom "thanks"!
hmmm, 3 dogs, a bird and a herp ... full house?
Reminds all that it is just sex... but still enjoys the
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