Monday, February 20, 2006

I would be worried if Sally had this dream!

Just before I woke up this morning I dreamt that I had to board just the brown dog and the bird for some reason. My parents were still living in their old, kinda nice, house and I was packing things up and writing instructions for the kennel on keeping my animals. Then all the sudden it turned into a dream where I had to spend one night in jail. This was a scheduled thing and only one night. It wasn't a joke, I had been actually sentenced for something I had done and had to spend just one night in jail.

When I woke up I didn't know it wasn't real. Just for a minute but I was so confused for that minute trying to remember 1. when my one night was and 2. wtf I had done to wind up in jail in the first place! But I just took it as TRUTH that I did in fact have to spend one night in jail at some point.

Very strange but my day has been fairly ordinary.


Blogger Debs - said...

See why my dream I was pregnant a few weeks ago was so horrifying? Wish I hadn't thought of that just now, and really hoping it wasn't some weird premontion either. That would be bad after last night... lol.

10:25 PM  
Blogger mdmhvonpa said...

Heh ... now if you woke up in a kennel, that would be interesting.

2:24 PM  
Blogger barrie said...

mdmh, I wake up in a kennel every freakin' day!

I had never had a dream and not immediately known it was a dream before Debra! Several ppl have some interesting ideas on interpreting that particular dream.

11:21 AM  

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