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You know I always post photos where I'm not exactly clear or in focus. I love this photo from our flight on Sunday because I can count on one hand the number of photos anyone has ever taken where I am smiling naturally and that is a completely natural smile. An unguarded moment.
I was just so thrilled with my little, green bird. I've written the story over and over. I just can't write it again here but you can read it and see photos of the actual flight on the bird's blog.
That little bird really has completely changed my life. Birds are often recommended as pets for the elderly/lonely/depressed. I don't think just the beauty of a bird would have affected me this way but I highly recommend learning to train a flighted parrot as therapy.
Quite a while ago Jessica, fellow MSer and bird owner, posted about the potential benefits of SSRIs prolonging mobility in people with MS. CPG has been on me practically from our first conversation that life would be just a little easier for me if I took something to kind of even things out a bit. He's also the reason that I had to go to the doctor anyway since I needed a new prescription for birth control so while I was there I took the plunge and got my doc to write me a prescription for Lexapro which I started taking this morning. We'll see. I took Prozac when I first got sick and I couldn't tolerate it at all. I couldn't focus. I couldn't sleep. And, every time I told my doctor that I was having trouble with it she raised the dosage until I just quit taking it and quit complaining about it. So, we'll see.
My current focus is on getting enough money together to get up to the big city to see CPG's birds fly in the park before it gets too cold for them to be out. Unfortunately planes need gas to fly and with gas Bubba broke down on me last Friday and while he seems okay now it did dip into my NYC fund to get him back on the doctors and prescriptions cost money too.
So, my life is pretty full right now. And, mostly full with pretty good things to the point where I'm disinclined to dwell on the less good things. Oh, and I'm totally BTD's teacher's pet again ;-)
What a great photo! You both look great. :)
Good to see you in such high spirits! Say, have you considered taking the train?
Great photo - that's one lucky bird, I hope she can feel the love radiating from you.
Wow. You sound REALLY good.
Not that you don't look either. And the bird. Yeah, the bird looks good too. :)
Thanks Shelly, she's adorable isn't she :)
mdmh, I can't leave until after 3pm on Friday and have to be back by noon on Monday :-(
I hope so too Sally!!
The bird is TICKED OFF right now Angie, one of my clients dumped two jrts on me today because she's having a giant dinner party tonight and these aren't Brits so the bird is locked up for her own safety :-(
Yay for everything coming up CC!!
Talk to me more about this 3...
WHAT!!! You didn't BLUR the picture or put little "COPS" squares all over your face...
You really are different. Damn maybe one day we'll actually see your face...
You're kinda like the neighbor guy on "Home Improvement"...
Pup, ygm
Anthony, you photoshop the HELL out of your photos, at least that is a perfectly natural shot! Go stalk a 17 year old or sumpin' ;-)
Uh, 'scuse me, CC. Did you mistake A's comments as criticism? They weren't, as far as I can tell. While the photo does show your beautiful smile, you aren't exactly looking at the camera, so we can't actually see your face. You wrote in the post that you purposely don't share clear pics, so I was as surprised as A that you shared this one. I thought his reference to Wilson from Home Improvement was clever. If I'm overstepping, I apologize. I just don't read anything negative in his comments, and think he was just offering some good-natured teasing. Let me know if I should stifle myself, OK? :)
Oh -- and congrats to you and So for the flight turning out so well! Yee-haw!!
Yeah barrie I photoshop all that hair on my head... No Barrie I don't photoshop anything other than effects like color or for the sake of "atmosphere" but in real life I am that shiny...Anyway when's the nude layout coming???
Ms. A.R., I was just giving
Anthony a hard time :-)
A, the special effects are what I was referring to! Plus NAME, dude, don't use it!
I'm glad to know you were kidding around, CC, especially so you weren't thinking anyone was ragging on your beautiful pic. Can you put some of those "COPS" squares over the name you don't want written here? ;) I really want to know how you trained the beautiful birdie to look directly at the camera. That's a clever trick indeed!
Heh-heh -- I just looked at the WV letters I have to type to post this comment. They are:
Written in red. Looks angry. Could stand for some really angry words! The WV folks must be having a bad day.
Next week you do the naked picture with the sex toys inserted, right? Now you really need to work on the lighting make it look good. And send it over to me for photoshopping ...
can you guys believe the girl's been gone this long??? I think she's went out and gotten herself a life...Great, it's about time you had some adult interaction outside here...
OK this is the longest she's ever been gone isn't it??? Is there like another blog I don't know about???
She answered an email question for me this morning, so I know she's at least alive and well. Still, I keep popping back in here to see if there's a new post. I don't know of another new blog, but the bird's page was updated over the weekend (if you hadn't checked there). It's good to think of CC having some fun for herself, rather than just entertaining us -- but I still love it best when she tells us what she's up to. :)
Hell, I better check in too- she knew my Dad was having surgery Monday, and since then I haven't really been around. Bad weather meant no internet for almost 48 hours, and no phone either. Argh!
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